Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tae Kwon Do!

So Zach and I have been taking tae kwon do for awhile now. We just passed out yellow belt test and we are so excited! It's a great way for us to get our energy out and stay in shape.

Happy Birthday Dad!

We got to celebrate daddy's birthday in October at A-ma and A-gong's house!
aunti Crystal made a cake for dad. It was so super delicious!!
Here is dad cutting the cake
Me and Zach just hanging out

Me and uncle Kei!

Here is Zach and uncle Andrew.

Friday, September 12, 2008

It's a Chen party!!!

A few weeks ago, dad decided to have a Chen cousins ( our aunts and uncles) rock band party at our house. Our great grand ma had 8 kids and they all had about 2 children each so there are plenty of aunts and uncles for us to hang out with. We love playing with them! We love playing rock band with them even more!!! Zoe and I have been practicing Rock Band on the Wii and we are starting to get pretty good. We only know how to play a few songs but we are definately trying to learn some of the harder ones.

Malibu Adventure

Mom, Dad, Zach and I got to go visit mom's high school friend in Malibu the other day. He had a really big house and his mom had a really cool dog! It is a Swiss mountain dog. It's so big it looks like I can ride it! We got to play around the pool area but the filter was broken and the pool was kind of dirty so we didn't get to go swimming.
The backyard was really big and goes into a hill side. We got to run around and explore. Don't worry, dad made sure we stayed away from the area where the hill begins. There was plenty of adventures that Zach and I went on that day.

Star Wars Clone Wars - late review

So I know this is kind of late, but I'm going to do a review of the Clone Wars CG animated movie anyway. Uncle Mike Boggs treated Zoe and me to the new Star Wars Clone Wars animated movie opening weekend! Dad, mom, auntie Steph and Spencer were there as well. We were all so excited to see the new movie. I know it received a lot of bad reviews but hey, I'm a Star Wars fan and I'm a of course I'm going to love it!! There were plenty of action through out the whole movie. The CG animation was really good and there were certainly lots of cool specialized clone troopers. Dad thought the movie was a bit violent because they showed several scenes where troopers were being killed but it wasn't too bad. There were a few scenes that kind of scared me a little but overall I give it an A-.
The only part that was kind of not fitting for kids is the complexity and storyline of the movie. It jumped around a lot and it was kind of hard for me and Zoe to follow. It probably is even harder for anyone younger than us to follow the plot. Anyway, that's about wraps it up for me.
...and no, I didn't wear the helmet to the movie!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

This one is kind of an oldie...well September of last year. This is me and Zach getting ready for our Goo-goo (that's chinese for Auntie) Crytal's wedding. I was the flower girl and Zach was the ring bearer. Don't we look cute? I love to dress us. Mom too me to get my hair done by a hair dresser and I got to scatter flowers before Goo-goo walked in. Everyone said I took my duties a little to serious but hey, I just wanted to do a good job. Anyways, I thought I'd just share this fun photo. ~Zoe

I know we haven't posted in awhile. It's been a super fun summer and Zach and I have been doing quite a lot. We are doing our music lessons still and taking Tae Kwon do. Earlier in the summer, we were doing swimming lessons. We even took a trip to Utah in July to see our Great Grandma-mom, Granmmy and Granpy and uncle Travis and his family. Anyways, dad took a video of me playing his drum set so I thought I would share it with everyone. We will be posting more photos of our trip and other events soon! See ya ~ Zoe

Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's Art Time!!

We love doing art! My daddy has been drawing since he was a little kid and I guess we picked it up from him. Both Zoe and I love to draw and create things. We wanted to share a picture from each of us with everyone.

The first picture is by Zoe. It is done with pencil and crayon on pink paper. She drew this dragon for dad. Dad is really proud of her and thinks this is the best dragon ever drawn!

Dad said that Zoe started to show drawing skills when she was around 4 years old. She quickly learned how to draw stars and a girl with pig tails. Now she has become quite the artist.

This next one is by me, Zach. It is a picture of Iron Man. I painted it using water color on paper. I used my Iron Man toy as a model and painted all by myself.

Dad was really surprised and excited when he saw this. He had to give me extra help when I was younger because I would get frustrated with drawing. I just couldn't draw what I wanted to. Zoe had already began mastering the skill of drawing and I hadn't. I think I'm just a late bloomer, plus you know they say that boys develope a little later than girls. But I think I'm all caught up now. Well I hope everyone likes our drawings! Until next time. ~Zach

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!!!

Hi everyone! Zoe and I just wanted to wish a very happy Fathers Day to our daddy Kevin. We love him very much. We got him some books that he wanted from Amazon and some cute cards! We also want to say happy Fathers Day to our Grampy Keith and our A-gong Richard. Also a special Fathers Day shout out to Drayden's dad Uncle Sean and Spencer's dad Uncle Mike! They are both super cool dads!

We occasionally get to hang out with our dad by ourselves when mom has stuff to do with her friends. This is a picture of daddy taking us to Burger King for our very first time. He doesn't like us eating fast food too much. He always says it's not too healty but sometimes he takes us to one as a treat. We also like to play in the play areas.

Today for Fathers day Zoe and I got to go visit our great grandpa Ae-Ru's grave for the very first time. We never got to meet him but daddy tells us he was the greatest! We went with A-gong and A-ma (that's chinese for grandpa and grandma) and we cleaned his headstone and cut the grass around it. We also left him some flowers. We are glad we got to visit him for the first time and we are glad that our great grandma Shi-Mae is still with us!!

I recently got to spend some guy time with dad, Spencer and his dad (uncle Mike). We all went to Big Al's toys and collectable store to check out some Star Wars action figures. I needed an Obi-Kenobi Jedi fighter pilot and they don't really make them anymore so I thought I'd try my luck here. I was able to find one and also an R2D2 to go in the side of the Jedi Star fighter. I Even got to try on a Boba Fett h elmet! My dad can be kind of strict sometimes but he always makes sure to take me and my sister to some fun places and spend time with us. My daddy is my best buddy and I hope he had a great Fathers Day. ~ Zach

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Summer Begins!!

So yesterday was our last day of school! We graduated Kindergarten and will be going into 1st grade next semester! But today is officially our first day of summer! Yay! As you can see both Zach and I are ready to for some fun summer activities. We woke up bright and early this morning to play on our bikes and razor scooter. The weather was already really nice
and we had lots of fun riding up and down the sidewalk in our neighborhood.

Did I mention that I just learned how to ride my bike without training wheels yesterday afternoon! My mommy helped me out a lot and dad was really surprised that I learned so quickly. My auntie Crystal didn't even learn how to ride a bike this quickly. My dad and his friends had a really tough time teaching her when they were kids. Anyways, Zach is trying really hard to learn and I have a feeling he will be catching on really soon! He's can ride without his training wheels for about 10 seconds. Well I'm sure this will be a really fun summer! - Zoe

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hi, I'm Zoe

Hi there! My name is Zoe Chen. I think my brother Zach has covered most of why we started this blog in his greeting. He also mentioned that we just turned 6 years old on May 21st! I just recently lost one of my bottom tooth too and another one is starting to wiggle! My dad says that we are growing up way to fast but I think we aren't growning fast enough. I'm ready to move ahead already. I'm really into dressing up and wearing cool clothes. My brother doesn't care as much so good thing my dad is really good with picking clothes out for us. Lately I've been really into My littlest pet shop, Groovey Girls and I love my American Girl doll Kaya my aunti Ting Ting gave me! I also really love horses!! I love to read and I love writing and creating my own books. Mommy has taught us a lot about reading and writing. I also love to draw and do art and am learning a lot from my daddy. I'm learning how to play the drums and my teacher said I have a natural talent for rythm. Maybe I'll start playing in a band with Zach in the future...if he's lucky. I am also enjoying my dancing classes because I get to hang out with all of my friends! Well I hope you all enjoy our blog and stop by for updates once in awhile.

Hi, I'm Zachary

Hi there! My name is Zachary Chen. Our friend Drayden started his own blog recently and since he had so much fun, he urged us to start one of our own. Blogs are becoming all the rage these days so my sister and I decided to start one to let all our friends and relatives know what we have been up to. I just turned 6 recently on May 21. My sister is Zoe Chen and I are twins! My two bottom front teeth have recently been replaced by permanent ones and the tooth fairy visited and left me some money! At this rate, I'm gonna be pretty rich when I'm 10! I'm currently into Star Wars, Pokemon, Legos, riding my bike, Speed Racer, Iron man and and other Marvel super heros. I really love to draw and create art. My dad is teaching me how to paint and helping me with my guitar lessons and I hope to play in a band with my sister one day. I also like playing soccer and I'm really into playing my Nintendo DS. I've been really enjoying kindergarten and have been learning a lot. Mommy has taught us a lot about reading and writing and have been reading really cool books with us! Well that's about it for now. I hope you enjoy our blog!