Friday, June 13, 2008

Hi, I'm Zoe

Hi there! My name is Zoe Chen. I think my brother Zach has covered most of why we started this blog in his greeting. He also mentioned that we just turned 6 years old on May 21st! I just recently lost one of my bottom tooth too and another one is starting to wiggle! My dad says that we are growing up way to fast but I think we aren't growning fast enough. I'm ready to move ahead already. I'm really into dressing up and wearing cool clothes. My brother doesn't care as much so good thing my dad is really good with picking clothes out for us. Lately I've been really into My littlest pet shop, Groovey Girls and I love my American Girl doll Kaya my aunti Ting Ting gave me! I also really love horses!! I love to read and I love writing and creating my own books. Mommy has taught us a lot about reading and writing. I also love to draw and do art and am learning a lot from my daddy. I'm learning how to play the drums and my teacher said I have a natural talent for rythm. Maybe I'll start playing in a band with Zach in the future...if he's lucky. I am also enjoying my dancing classes because I get to hang out with all of my friends! Well I hope you all enjoy our blog and stop by for updates once in awhile.


Anonymous said...

Hi Zoe! You sound like a very busy little girl! I would love to see the artwork and the books you've made. I used to love the American Girl doll I had when I was little. Her name was Samantha. I still have her. I think it would be really cool to see you play drums. It's very cool to be a girl who plays drums!

Lydia said...

Hi Zoe, not only are you beautiful but a very talented little girl. Have fun on all of your projects.