Friday, June 13, 2008

Hi, I'm Zachary

Hi there! My name is Zachary Chen. Our friend Drayden started his own blog recently and since he had so much fun, he urged us to start one of our own. Blogs are becoming all the rage these days so my sister and I decided to start one to let all our friends and relatives know what we have been up to. I just turned 6 recently on May 21. My sister is Zoe Chen and I are twins! My two bottom front teeth have recently been replaced by permanent ones and the tooth fairy visited and left me some money! At this rate, I'm gonna be pretty rich when I'm 10! I'm currently into Star Wars, Pokemon, Legos, riding my bike, Speed Racer, Iron man and and other Marvel super heros. I really love to draw and create art. My dad is teaching me how to paint and helping me with my guitar lessons and I hope to play in a band with my sister one day. I also like playing soccer and I'm really into playing my Nintendo DS. I've been really enjoying kindergarten and have been learning a lot. Mommy has taught us a lot about reading and writing and have been reading really cool books with us! Well that's about it for now. I hope you enjoy our blog!


Anonymous said...

Wow Zach sounds like you are into lots of fun things! Can't wait to hear more about what you have been doing. I'd love to see your art work and hear you play music.

dfs said...

hi zachary i am joe

Lydia said...

I just read Zoe's comments and was very impressed. I see that you are as equally talented as your sister. I look forward to listening to the Chen Twins band. My grandson Dylan loves Star Wars also but you know that. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Cool page... I can't wait to see you at my party this weekend.
