Friday, September 12, 2008

Malibu Adventure

Mom, Dad, Zach and I got to go visit mom's high school friend in Malibu the other day. He had a really big house and his mom had a really cool dog! It is a Swiss mountain dog. It's so big it looks like I can ride it! We got to play around the pool area but the filter was broken and the pool was kind of dirty so we didn't get to go swimming.
The backyard was really big and goes into a hill side. We got to run around and explore. Don't worry, dad made sure we stayed away from the area where the hill begins. There was plenty of adventures that Zach and I went on that day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that breed of dogs. I had wanted one of those before we got Lola. You guys are lucky you go to play with the dog and have adventures in Malibu. Looks like good times!