Friday, September 12, 2008

It's a Chen party!!!

A few weeks ago, dad decided to have a Chen cousins ( our aunts and uncles) rock band party at our house. Our great grand ma had 8 kids and they all had about 2 children each so there are plenty of aunts and uncles for us to hang out with. We love playing with them! We love playing rock band with them even more!!! Zoe and I have been practicing Rock Band on the Wii and we are starting to get pretty good. We only know how to play a few songs but we are definately trying to learn some of the harder ones.


Anonymous said...

You guys are awesome! That looks like a fun party.

Anonymous said...

hey it's me!!

is timmy sleeping??


Ms. Lo said...

hey zach and zoe! how come you never invite me to your parties? :( they look so fun!


Phoebe the SLP said...

Hello Z&Z! Aunt phoebe will work on her singing abilities so we can reveal more new songs next time!!