Friday, September 12, 2008

It's a Chen party!!!

A few weeks ago, dad decided to have a Chen cousins ( our aunts and uncles) rock band party at our house. Our great grand ma had 8 kids and they all had about 2 children each so there are plenty of aunts and uncles for us to hang out with. We love playing with them! We love playing rock band with them even more!!! Zoe and I have been practicing Rock Band on the Wii and we are starting to get pretty good. We only know how to play a few songs but we are definately trying to learn some of the harder ones.

Malibu Adventure

Mom, Dad, Zach and I got to go visit mom's high school friend in Malibu the other day. He had a really big house and his mom had a really cool dog! It is a Swiss mountain dog. It's so big it looks like I can ride it! We got to play around the pool area but the filter was broken and the pool was kind of dirty so we didn't get to go swimming.
The backyard was really big and goes into a hill side. We got to run around and explore. Don't worry, dad made sure we stayed away from the area where the hill begins. There was plenty of adventures that Zach and I went on that day.

Star Wars Clone Wars - late review

So I know this is kind of late, but I'm going to do a review of the Clone Wars CG animated movie anyway. Uncle Mike Boggs treated Zoe and me to the new Star Wars Clone Wars animated movie opening weekend! Dad, mom, auntie Steph and Spencer were there as well. We were all so excited to see the new movie. I know it received a lot of bad reviews but hey, I'm a Star Wars fan and I'm a of course I'm going to love it!! There were plenty of action through out the whole movie. The CG animation was really good and there were certainly lots of cool specialized clone troopers. Dad thought the movie was a bit violent because they showed several scenes where troopers were being killed but it wasn't too bad. There were a few scenes that kind of scared me a little but overall I give it an A-.
The only part that was kind of not fitting for kids is the complexity and storyline of the movie. It jumped around a lot and it was kind of hard for me and Zoe to follow. It probably is even harder for anyone younger than us to follow the plot. Anyway, that's about wraps it up for me.
...and no, I didn't wear the helmet to the movie!